Saturday, July 25, 2009

My Three Year Journey to Financial Freedom

I have been in the workforce, working outside of the home for thirty-four years. I have always known there is a better way. You see, I’ve never liked the idea of working for someone else, so no wonder Network Marketing just made sense to me. With all those years of experience in the workforce, there is still no job security, no flexibility, no opportunity to make as much money as you want to make. That’s what Network Marketing offers you. You will have the opportunity to make as much money as you want, you will have flexibility, you will earn residual income and no one can come in and take your business from you or fire you from your business. Even though I have been in the workforce for thirty-four years, I am still quite young to be retiring. You see, I started working at a very young age. I have a goal and a desire to retire young enough to be able to travel and enjoy my years in retirement. I have set a goal and a timeframe of three years to retire myself from the workforce and to continue to run my Network Marketing Business exclusively through retirement. You see, with my Network Marketing business, it allows me to continue to earn a substantial income for as long as I want. The best part about it is I can work from anywhere. All I need is a laptop and a phone. So as I travel the states RVing, I can continue earning a great income. So within the next three years, I plan to continue working both; the workforce and my Network Marketing career. I plan to save enough money and pay off my debt so that I am debt free when I retire myself from the workforce. I plan to be financially free in the next three years.
Do you want to be financially free too? I can show you how to get there.
Financial Freedom for You.